CLIENT : Emels Wellness

About Client

Emels Wellness is a Nigerian company that sells health and nutrition products, including organic items and wellness advice. Their main goal is to help people live healthier lives. They wanted to expand beyond Nigeria, specifically to Ghana, so they could offer their quality wellness products to more people across West Africa. By growing into new markets, they aimed to provide tools for holistic well-being to individuals regionally.

About Project

With plans for growth, Emels Wellness knew they needed a major digital upgrade to strengthen their online presence and better connect with their audience. Our partnership focused on building them a user-friendly ecommerce website, creating appealing branding materials, and developing a marketing strategy across multiple channels tailored to their specific needs. This complete overhaul was meant to establish Emels Wellness as a leading force online, attracting audiences and building lasting customer relationship.

What We Did

Our work included developing a high-performing ecommerce site that captured the brand's vibe while providing a smooth shopping experience. We also designed a unique logo and branding guidelines to solidify Emels Wellness's market positioning and reinforce their core values everywhere. We set up a professional email system under their domain and integrated Facebook's tracking pixel for advanced ad targeting and data insights. Finally, we put together a customized marketing plan utilizing cutting-edge tools to increase visibility, drive quality traffic, and boost sales - complemented by revamping their social media with engaging content and growth strategies.